In this week’s episode, we speak with Amal Kanafani, who settled in St. James Town as a Syrian refugee in 2013. In 2015, she created this non-profit organization called the
Auntie Amal Community Centre, which works to better the lives of community members. It has been recognized by both federal and city government for its work.
This Toronto Star article describes the powerful impact that Amal’s non-profit organization has in the life of one St. James Town resident, just in time for Christmas.
Forani, Jonathan. 2016. “Power of One.” Toronto Star 24 December.
In this lovely video made in August 2019, a young woman talks about how she benefited from the Auntie Amal Community Centre, and about how she volunteers with the Centre. In our introduction to this week’s episode, we mention that the Auntie Amal Community Centre supplies furniture to newcomers, but it serves and benefits others as well.