People interested in volunteering with Community Corner can reach out to them at either of these email addresses: and
Community Corner’s website is and the social media handle for FB, Twitter and Instagram is @thecornersjt. That goes for both 200 and 240.
In the interview with Nayanthi and Aravind, we asked them if the Library of Things, at the Corner@240, has been of use to people moving back in to 650 Parliament. This refers to the displacement of approximately 1,500 people from their 22-storey building, at that address, by a massive fire caused by aging and faulty wiring in August 2018. These families and individuals were finally able to start moving back into their apartments in early March 2020, coincidentally just days before COVID-19 was declared a global pandemic. The move-in would be a gradual process to take place over 10 weeks.
CBC Toronto. 2020. “Residents of 650 Parliament start moving back into their units this week.” CBC 2 March.
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